GT Impact

Lots of entrepreneurs dream of disrupting a market with a real innovation, but few are those who manage to achieve that.

The circular economy seems like the perfect solution for our future, but  it is not easy to develop the right product with the right business model at the right time.  You have to find the early adopters and sometimes factors like market, society trends, or even political decisions play a key role on the timing.

In this episode I have the chance to talk to Jonne Hellgren, the founder and CEO of Repack.

He launched his company in 2011 and from what he told me, he launched it way too early.

He went through some difficult phases like changing co founders and the early team, but he hung on and now his company is trusted by more than 150 brands, like Zalando, Levis, the AvocadoStore, and they are revolutionizing the packaging industry for E-commerce.

Repack makes packaging which is reusable and returnable.

E-commerce companies use the Repack packaging to send their products to consumers, which can return the Repack packaging for free, anywhere in the world just by posting it in a postbox. Then Repack checks it, cleans it and it is ready to be used again.

Thanks to their solution, companies sending products can save up to 80% of CO2 emissions compared to classic packaging

They won more than 14 design and sustainability awards since their launch, so today we are going to talk about how to disrupt a market and end packaging trash!

Jonne has shared 💡Do’s and Don’ts about 💡

– product design, 

– circular economy,

– how to find  the right customers,

– shareholder agreement and how to best set the terms between co founders when you start a company., and what kind of mistakes you should avoid in that case.

Can you relate to these topics? Then take a listen now (or make sure to save it in your playlist to listen to for later!



Jonne Hellgren and Repack: 


Let’s create a sustainable future

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